M - I am sitting in Tizzy Kay's room right now, settled into the old, orange-striped lounger that will serve as Kim's nursing chair. It's a chair that was salvaged from Kim's grandparents' house... one she played on in her earliest childhood memories that keeps them in our thoughts. Around me are more reminders of all the people that have been with us on the long journey to finally meet this little girl. There are blankets and outfits hand-knitted by Kayleen Wilber, Vilma Tarto and others. Bumper pads and a fun, Tizzy Kay banner were stiched by Carol. The quilted bear from Aunt Linda is riding the pink-hooved rocking cow sent by my Dad. Paintings by soon-to-be cousins Ellie and Simon adorn the walls. We're so thankful for all of you - there are more than I could mention here - who have been there for us and prayed for us and sent us your good energy over the past few years. We're so excited to get to know Tizzy Kay and show her so many things... but mostly to introduce her to you, the wonderful people who have offered us so much love and support. Thanks to you all.
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