Tuesday, August 9, 2011

course and date change for the big paddle!!!

Yesterday I put in my last training session - about 10 miles - before our big paddle this weekend.  There have been a few program changes due to weather and logistical issues, so here's the updated plan:

  • We will now be doing the big 50-mile paddle on Saturday, August 13th (THIS SATURDAY!) instead of Sunday the 14th.
  • Due to forecast-ed weather conditions, we will be launching from Kenosha, Wisconsin instead of St. Joseph, Michigan.  North winds are in store, which would make crossing from St. Joseph difficult if not impossible, and since our goal was to do 50-miles non-stop and land in Chicago, launching from Wisconsin works just as well.
So, if you're interested in meeting us at our landing point at North Avenue Beach in Chicago, plan to be down there sometime around 5:00 pm.  My technical team will be updating the blog throughout the day with our location, photos and progress updates, so you'll be able to see where we're at every step of the way.

Also, any paddlers who want to join us for a bit, feel free to paddle out, say hello and paddle with us for a mile or two.  Check the blog during the day to get an estimate of when we'll be passing by your local launch!

...and now a word from our sponsors...
So, now that we're getting close to the big day, it seems appropriate to express a little gratitude to some of the supporters who have helped us along the way.  Here I am catching some shade under a bush hat from our sunscreen sponsor Headhunter.  I've been spending 20+ hours a week on the water, and I haven't had a burn all season.  Thanks Headhunter!  I'm also wearing my indispensable Kaenon Klay sunglasses.  The polarized optics are amazing and the frames are super comfortable and durable as hell.  Plus they look great!  Thanks Kaenon!

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